Best JVC GR-D372 High-Band Digital Video Camera 32x Optical Zoom/800x Digital Zoom
You can buy JVC GR-D372 High-Band Digital Video Camera 32x Optical Zoom/800x Digital Zoom today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy JVC GR-D372 High-Band Digital Video Camera 32x Optical Zoom/800x Digital Zoom. Also read our JVC GR-D372 High-Band Digital Video Camera 32x Optical Zoom/800x Digital Zoom reviews before you decide to buy JVC GR-D372 High-Band Digital Video Camera 32x Optical Zoom/800x Digital Zoom. Anything you have to know about this item, More about this
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JVC GR-D372 High-Band Digital Video Camera 32x Optical Zoom/800x Digital Zoom Reviews
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to JVC GR-D372 High-Band Digital Video Camera 32x Optical Zoom/800x Digital Zoom. If you want to read those detail to make your decision on this product just CLICK HERE
JVC GR-D372 High-Band Digital Video Camera 32x Optical Zoom/800x Digital Zoom Overview:
- JVC GR-D372 High-Band Digital Video
- Camera 32x Optical Zoom/800x Digital Zoom
- Manufacturer: JVC
JVC GR-D372 High-Band Digital Video Camera 32x Optical Zoom/800x Digital Zoom Reviews, On Sale JVC GR-D372 High-Band Digital Video Camera 32x Optical Zoom/800x Digital Zoom, buy JVC GR-D372 High-Band Digital Video Camera 32x Optical Zoom/800x Digital Zoom, JVC GR-D372 High-Band Digital Video Camera 32x Optical Zoom/800x Digital Zoom best buy, JVC GR-D372 High-Band Digital Video Camera 32x Optical Zoom/800x Digital Zoom Discount, JVC GR-D372 High-Band Digital Video Camera 32x Optical Zoom/800x Digital Zoom For Sale
JVC GR-D372 High-Band Digital Video Camera 32x Optical Zoom/800x Digital Zoom Reviews
6 of 7 people found the following review helpful Good, but basic, May 21, 2007 By Proud Mommy (Woodland, CA) - See all my reviews This review is from: JVC GR-D372 High-Band Digital Video Camera 32x Optical Zoom/800x Digital Zoom (Electronics) I bought this camera after quite a bit of research as I had limited funds, but still wanted a quality item. I've owned it for nearly a year & will say that it definitely is nice & compact, user-friendly, & shoots quality video. I did not buy it for the digital image ability as I was told that it really didn't take quality pictures.
My one & only complaint is that there is no way to download the video onto a PC. I was told by a Costco rep. that it had those capabilities, which was a huge selling point for me. At the time, I was 8 months pregnant & by the time I had a chance to attempt a download, my 90-day return ability was long gone. Had I been able to, I would have immediately returned it & paid a little more money for something I could eventually burn onto a CD or DVD.
So, if you're fine with VCR tapes or just keeping your video files on the mini-tapes, then by all means, purchase this product because it really is a good deal for the money.
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6 of 7 people found the following review helpful Good, but basic, By Proud Mommy (Woodland, CA) - See all my reviews This review is from: JVC GR-D372 High-Band Digital Video Camera 32x Optical Zoom/800x Digital Zoom (Electronics) I bought this camera after quite a bit of research as I had limited funds, but still wanted a quality item. I've owned it for nearly a year & will say that it definitely is nice & compact, user-friendly, & shoots quality video. I did not buy it for the digital image ability as I was told that it really didn't take quality pictures.My one & only complaint is that there is no way to download the video onto a PC. I was told by a Costco rep. that it had those capabilities, which was a huge selling point for me. At the time, I was 8 months pregnant & by the time I had a chance to attempt a download, my 90-day return ability was long gone. Had I been able to, I would have immediately returned it & paid a little more money for something I could eventually burn onto a CD or DVD. So, if you're fine with VCR tapes or just keeping your video files on the mini-tapes, then by all means, purchase this product because it really is a good deal for the money. |
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